How Fermented Foods Can Repair Our Health

Master Fermentationist and educator, Summer Bock gives us a foundational course in functional ferments and the mechanisms of the nutritional and health benefits they provide. A bit of science, a fountain of facts and some recipes to boot, join us for this very informative and engaging interview and catch the fermenting fever!

Summer Bock’s Guts & Glory Website

Health Concerns & Fermentation Pairings Chart
The list of fermented foods is long, but only a select few contain health-promoting properties such as probiotics or increased nutrient bioavailability.Functional ferments can dramatically improve the microbiome, strengthen the immune system and promote better overall health when recommended correctly.

After 7 years of training practitioners in how to use functional ferments properly, Summer developed this comprehensive chart that shows exactly which functional ferments are best to use with which common chronic conditions and symptoms and which are best to avoid.

>>Access the PDF here