46 Concrete Solutions to Climate Change


What if we could use open-source software development principles to reverse climate change?

That is exactly what Chris Neidl and The Open Air Collective has done through their Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) projects and their leadership in crafting the New York State Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Leadership Act (LECCLA) LECCLA is new legislation that would require all of the state’s agencies to include climate impact in their selection criteria for concrete procurement. The more sustainable a concrete provider’s bid is, the more likely it will be to win the business.

This is a big deal. As the single largest purchaser of concrete in NY, the state’s collective buying power could kickstart a market transformation, creating significant demand for low carbon concrete while broadening its availability in the private sector.


Open Air Collective
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Carbon Dioxide Removal Primer

Climate-Friendly concrete companies
Carbon Cure
Blue Planet

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Co-founder and the producer of the Sustainability Now podcast, responsible for audio and video production, web development and social media. Scott was Clean Water Action's Philadelphia program director where he stopped a trash incinerator from being built across the street from an elementary school, worked on an ocean dumping ban, the curbside recycling program, workers' right to know about toxic chemicals, integrative pest management, and social justice issues. After a few years building log homes, he has spent the last 20 years as an interactive director and multimedia producer.