Home Climate Change 44 Joe Hickey: Godfather of Industrial Hemp

44 Joe Hickey: Godfather of Industrial Hemp


Starting with the reinstatement of the 1942 Articles of Incorporation for the Kentucky Hemp Growers Association and then inspiring the planting of three feral hemp seeds by Woody Harrelson in the 90’s, Joe Hickey has been a primary force behind the legalization of industrial hemp.

Despite being a nearly magical plant with over 25,00 uses that include food, fuel, fiber, housing, health, and so much more, industrial hemp has been hindered in its adoption because of its close association to cannabis — which is known for its psychoactive properties. Industrial hemp contains less than .3% THC, the mind-altering substance present in marijuana. In addition to its multitude of uses, hemp also nutrifies the soil and is thought by many to be the salvation for struggling farmers.


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