35 Plant-based Modular Homes w/ Tim Tan


Tim Tan of Affordable Abodes is tackling the low-cost housing crisis in Indonesia and Malaysia with modular, kenafcrete houses.

Kenaf is a plant much like hemp in its versatility with thousands of uses, one of which is as the primary ingredient in an eco-concrete-style construction material called kenafcrete. Affordable Abodes streamlines the construction process by using lightweight, 2ft x 10ft steel reinforced kenafcrete panels to build better homes faster and more affordably than conventionally possible. One of the many benefits of the modestly sized panels is that they are easily transported to remote areas that would be inaccessible to industrial-sized vehicles, often places where the terrain can’t support the weight of conventional buildings. The modular materials make it possible to assemble a 600-800 sq ft home in a matter of days.

Kenaf has far-reaching benefits for local economies beyond its use in construction. Kenaf cultivation provides an alternative revenue stream for rice farmers whose crops are increasingly impacted by climate change and offers a transitional path for communities reliant on the environmentally devastating Palm Oil industry.

As grand as Tim’s vision to providing housing for the millions of people in need is, it doesn’t stop there. “We need to develop a circular economy. We need to nail down solutions that enable farmers to grow their own home…. We CAN do business differently. We need to look at how to solve the problem of poverty through business. We can help everyone to come to at least a minimum standard of living.”

About AffordAble Abodes

AffordAble Abodes is a social impact enterprise that strives to promote the construction of affordable and environmentally-sound, low-cost housing for the less fortunate around the world. Our mission is to empower them to provide a home and livelihood for themselves and their families.

Their Products

Using parts of the kenaf plant that are typically thrown away, we produce prefabricated structural building panels with similar (and often superior) properties to concrete but without the harmful environmental impact. AffordAble’s products are composed of >95% upcycled industrial and agricultural waste products. They are durable structural elements and provide strong insulation against heat and sound. Our products have passed safety testing (compression, water absorption, fire) in Malaysia and are ready for use in commercial building applications.

Visit them online for more information:

Website: afford-able.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/affordable-abodes
Facebook: facebook.com/AffordAbleAbodes01