28 Kenaf: the Next Industrial Hemp?


Like industrial hemp, Kenaf has tens of thousands of uses. Bob Lawrason of Kenaf Partners USA joins us to discuss the role kenaf can play in reversing climate change, reducing pollution, restoring the land, and generating profit for farmers.

Kenaf is fast growing, can be cultivated in most climates, regenerates the soil, and is unencumbered by the legal challenges faced by cannabis and industrial hemp production. When planted by existing corn cotton, and soy farmers as a rotational cash crop, it provides an economically viable way to make a gradual transition from sustainability, to resilience, and ultimately regenerative practices.

Join us to learn about this remarkable plant and how it can be instrumental in solving so many of our current planetary challenges.

The 6 Recommended Farming Practices

  1. Proper soil testing before planting and after harvest.
    Logan Labs
  2. Adding amendments according to proper soil testing.
    Soil Protocols | GGO International
  3. Key-line plowing on contour.
    Overview on Kenaf Partnes’ Website | Catalog
  4. Diverse cover/cash crops.
    Cover Crops and No Till VideoWhy Do Cover Crops Fail by Gabe Brown
  5. No-till.
  6. Proper seed spacing. Corn Soy Cotton


Kenaf (Seeds for Life) and Kenaf, Seeding The World: The New Rotational Cash Crop for American Farmers are both available through Bob’s website. purchases help fund his organization.


Bob’s website: KenafPartnersUSA.com

Indigo Carbon Program

Harnessing nature to help farmers sustainably feed the planet. Indigo develops microbial and digital technologies that improve grower profitability, environmental sustainability, and consumer health.

TERRATON Initiative

“Tera” means 1 trillion, “Terra” is Latin for “earth.” A global effort to remove 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to enrich our agricultural soils. The world’s 12 billion acres of farmland and pastureland offer the most immediate, scalable, and affordable opportunity to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.

This requires innovation, open-sourced experimentation, and investment. Whether you are a grower, scientist, entrepreneur, or individual

Koreen has extensive background in both permaculture design and in education. Her areas of expertise and passion are food forestry and food security, community building, and financial permaculture. Koreen has a wide range of experience and expertise, including master planning, holistic economics, community development and facilitation, and more.
A coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and offer a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.